Berni Dymet knew, not long after he gave his life to Christ, that he could not just sit there. He had to share it with people. “This isn’t just good news – it’s stunning news – that the whole world needs to hear”, he feels.

That is why he became involved in the ChristianityWorks movement: A bunch of friends who believe that by sharing the Good News of Jesus, in a way that speaks into the realities of life, that helps people discover how Christianity actually works – we’ll see God changing their lives. 

The vision is simply this: Telling a lost and hurting world about the love, mercy and grace of Jesus. Seeing Jesus transform people’s lives. Making new friends, who, in turn, become part of this movement 

“I came to faith in Jesus later in life. It was a terribly difficult time. Somewhere in that place, Jesus came to find me. Why me? I still can’t believe it. I didn’t deserve it. In fact, I should have been way down at the end of the queue. Then, not long after He came for me, I learned about grace. I’m still trying to wrap my heart around that mind-blowing concept – God’s grace!”